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Founded 1994 by Armand Courchaine Tying Flies and Information about Fishing ThemFreshwaterFly TyingBeginning Fly Tying, Al Campbell Click on Fly Tying Materials: Good, thorough information on fly tying materials, including various brands: hackle, hooks, thread, superflue, antron, hopper materials, organizing materials, etc. Much more information can be found by clicking on Mike Hogue's home page at the end of the cocument. Hans Weilenmann Extraordinarily clear and detailed, with information, links, and at least one video (CDC & Elk) The English Fly Fishing Shop Click on the fly for pattern & information UFTRI Fly Catalog Some step-by step Fly Tying TechniquesHow to use a Matarelli whip finisher "A better way to wrap hackle" The links above come from Fly Fisherman's "Fly Tier's Bench." Check it out--there's more, and links are added from time to time. Also check out the fly patterns. Gary and Jason Borger's online videos: ways to finish a fly--the double hitch, hand whip finish, and the Materelli whip finish tool. The videos, with their clear narrations, may be downloaded for future use. Watch a video of tying salwater flies and learning basic techniques. The list is in the right-hand column. You can also google a fly or a fly tying technique. Just go into Google and type a short phrase--like "whip finish," "wrap hackle," "tying a X (name the fly." Don't include the quotation marks. Photos, Movies of Insects and FishWill Help in Tying and FishingTroutnut.com Check out the Naturals Gallery, Underwater Movies, Fly Gallery, and useful information for learning about insects. Life of a Midge Extraodinary video of a midge going through all the stages of development. Salt WaterFly TyingFly Fishing Salt Water Fly Catalog Fly Fishing Salt Water Flytying tips UFTRI Fly Catalog Step-by step photos Home - Members Message Board- Instructions for Message Board Registration -- Newsletter - Join Crossroads Anglers - Fly Catalog - Photos - OfficersFishing Reports, Tides, Temperature - Lake Depth Maps - Stocking Schedule - Knots - Western Mass. Daily HatchesFlytying Patterns, Tying Techniques, Information on Flies & Insects - Fishing Techniques -Online Magazines - Bear's Den